Review: Cited to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 1) by Meg Perry

Rating: 4.25🌈

I love a mystery. So give me a new-to-me author, a mystery novel that represents not one but two connected mystery series and I’m in.

Cited to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 1) by Meg Perry is all the above. This is a first book by Perry for me and I was very entertained by the mystery and invested in the characters Perry has created for her series.

Academic librarian Jamie Brodie, yes, we have librarians as main characters, is delivered an envelope and mystery, both courtesy of a dead ex. Also we have so many librarians .

I’m so hooked.

There’s law enforcement officers as family and as romantic partners and many librarians as friends and fascinating colleagues. All are delightfully well-drawn and have balanced personalities as well as thoughtful roles to play in Jamie’s life and the mysteries that start to unfold.

Perry knows her subject matter and it shows in how the investigation evolves . It’s believable, the facts coming from various sources and at paces suitable for those networks. Perry’s people too have their flaws and strengths.

Jamie’s constant awareness of his severely compromised lungs and asthmatic symptoms is real. He treats his body with respect and his health as someone who acknowledges that he’s got a health condition that requires a certain diligence on his part and he does it. It’s a part of his personality and foundation. It centers us on who he is that he’s take a certain level of care and responsibility.

This type of characterization continues throughout the novel with other characters. And with the plot. There’s a tightness and depth of thought to every scene and storyline.

If I had a quibble, it’s that I saw a certain character was problematic to begin with. At what depth and to what extent, I didn’t know. But hints were there.

However, the characters and plots were entertaining, the ending suspense filled, and absolutely satisfying.

I’m on my way to Hoarded to Death .

For lovers of LGBTGIA murder mystery with a bit of romance, check it out. Especially mystery that’s more on the thoughtful side and less on the bloody aspect, this is the one that I recommend for you . I mean look at the series!

The Jamie Brodie Mysteries – 23 books

Cited to Death

Hoarded to Death

Burdened to Death

Researched to Death

Encountered to Death

Psyched to Death

Stacked to Death

Stoned to Death

Talked to Death

Avenged to Death

Played to Death

Filmed to Death

Trapped to Death

Promoted to Death

Published to Death

Cloistered to Death

Haunted to Death

Obsessed to Death

Deserted to Death

Drugged to Death

Resigned to Death

Snowed to Death

Enchanted to Death

Dirty Laundry: The Jamie Brodie Short Stories (Jamie Brodie Mysteries)

Sequel series:

An Angeles Investigations Mystery

â—¦ Cheated to Death: Book 1

â—¦ Hunted to Death Book 2

Buy links:

Cited to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 1)


Academic librarian Jamie Brodie hasn’t seen old boyfriend Dan Christensen in years. When Jamie reads Dan’s obituary in the paper, he’s surprised. When he receives a letter from Dan, written just before his death, Jamie is shocked. Dan’s letter suggests that Dan was in danger, lists two article citations from medical journals, and asks Jamie to look into the citations. When Jamie requests the articles, strange things begin to happen. His computer is hacked, his tires are slashed, he thinks someone might be following him – and he uncovers two more deaths. The coroner’s report says that Dan died of natural causes – but did he? Is there something suspicious about the articles, or was Dan just paranoid? The closer Jamie gets to answering those questions, the more it seems that someone is trying to stop him…

• Publisher: Meg Perry; 2nd edition (December 4, 2012)

• Publication date: December 4, 2012

• Language: English

• Print length: 127 pages

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