Review: Stoned to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 8) by Meg Perry

Rating: 3🌈

Stoned to Death is book 8 and I’ve already bought two more, but based on this, and the reviews I just read yesterday for book 22 , released oddly enough in 2022, I think I can say I’m done with this series and probably Meg Perry.

And that’s a shame because I’ve really enjoyed the mystery aspects of the series, the dynamics between the Brodie family, and getting to see the interesting inactions of the various librarians and libraries that they work for. That had been where Meg Perry, herself a librarian, has excelled.

Perry’s research on different subjects and depth of knowledge has been a huge key part in making each plot so compelling and wanting me to go forward with the rest of the series.

However, for me, the larger issues are ones that have always come from the relationship between librarian Jamie Brodie and ex cop, now professor of psychology, Pete Ferguson. Jamie himself is a fine character, with some interesting emotional baggage and ex’s in his background. His brother is a detective, he’s close to his father, it’s a wonderful, close knit family with strong bonds.

It’s Pete who’s the issue and his relationship with Jamie. And honestly the strange way in which this author has approached their romance (or strong lack of), the flags it waves for a toxic relationship despite that these books are simply full of therapy and a shared therapist who is determined for Jamie to stick by Pete. Plus there’s just zero sense of connection, or chemistry, or love between them. For books and books and books.

We are told that Jamie has feelings. And in what would be very similar to what is being categorized as “love bombing” now Pete repeatedly tells Jamie he loves him, pressuring him on various aspects of their lives when Pete feels threatened including, pressing him to get married. All while not wanting to have sexual relations with him.

There’s a very good reason for this. It’s due to his traumatic experiences with a priest in his childhood. And he’s been in therapy since then. Pete is a character you could empathize with, if he wasn’t in a relationship with Jamie. Because here he’s a toxic person. It’s everything his way , he uses fear to keep Jamie in the relationship. Pressure, money, he moved a homeless Jamie immediately into his house after Jamie and his brother has lost theirs to arson. It’s flag and more. But the author is writing about him as though he’s not a problem.

I had thought maybe it was due to the fact that this was published in 2015 and perspectives about relationships dynamics had changed since then. But reviews in 2022 show that no, the dynamics between them are still very much the same. So the writer has kept them there in their roles for 23 books. Unfortunately.

Stoned to Death has the potential to change so much here. And it comes up lacking. This sees Jamie and Pete at a critical moment again because of their lack of a sexual relationship. Or an uneven one. Jamie has given up trying for one that satisfies him and it’s showing in his face and physical condition. And Peter hasn’t noticed. They’ve brought it up to their therapist who has, again, told Jamie to proceed with their plan.

This here has a ton of flaws. From every angle. The plot and author’s intent.

The storyline is one of an archaeological mystery involving one of Pete’s Scottish relatives. It’s got bog bodies, upper crust ladies with shovels, homophobic relatives, intrigue amongst old archaeological sites, and a lot of personal struggles between Pete and Jamie. That only goes nowhere when it could have served to launch a change into the status quo.

While I’m listing issues, here’s another example:

“No. There are even popular reality shows about archaeology on British TV because there’s so much history to dig up. We don’t have that.”

That’s a quote that just serves how dated the story is, that two white American highly educated men, one a librarian and the other a professor, would utter these Anglo-Saxon phrases or perspectives, especially Jamie , a librarian who has been such a great proponent for different cultures and races in the stories. That’s indigenous culture erasure and it would be very hard to imagine that statement being made today. But I still find it hard to believe that Perry, as a librarian, had it as a viable thought from her main character even in 2015. That’s very disappointing.

And that’s primarily how I view the whole story. Disappointing. From every angle. There’s a good couple of elements, such as the old memoirs interspersed with the current events that lets us see into the past vividly. But , again the potential is lost as the mystery is not really explored thoroughly.

No recommendations. I have two books I bought to complete and then my journey here is complete. Shame.

Buy link:

Stoned to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 8)


In 1915, farmer and amateur archaeologist Robert Thomson disappeared from Scotland’s Orkney Islands with a priceless Stone Age artifact. A century later, his great-great-grandson, Pete Ferguson, is coming to Scotland with boyfriend Jamie Brodie to meet his distant cousins and investigate Robert’s disappearance. But the homophobia of the Thomson patriarch threatens to derail their quest – and a chance meeting in a pub in Oxford brings Pete and Jamie’s relationship to a turning point.

• Publisher: (February 4, 2015)

• Publication date: February 4, 2015

• Language: English

• Print length: 159 pages

The Jamie Brodie Mysteries – 23 books

✓ Cited to Death

✓ Hoarded to Death

✓ Burdened to Death

✓ Researched to Death

✓ Encountered to Death

✓ Psyched to Death

✓ Stacked to Death

✓ Stoned to Death

◦ Talked to Death

◦ Avenged to Death

◦ Played to Death

◦ Filmed to Death

◦ Trapped to Death

◦ Promoted to Death

◦ Published to Death

◦ Cloistered to Death

◦ Haunted to Death

◦ Obsessed to Death

◦ Deserted to Death

◦ Drugged to Death

◦ Resigned to Death

◦ Snowed to Death

◦ Enchanted to Death

Dirty Laundry: The Jamie Brodie Short Stories (Jamie Brodie Mysteries)

Sequel series:

An Angeles Investigations Mystery

◦ Cheated to Death: Book 1

◦ Hunted to Death Book 2

Review: Stacked to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 7) by Meg Perry

Rating: 3.25🌈

I’m slowly working my way through Meg Perry’s Jamie Brodie’s Mysteries which tops in at a whopping 23 novels. So it’s not uncommon that every single one is a great read.

Stacked to Death, the 7th story, is one I found dragged on in a number of places. The author, a librarian herself, gives an overly detailed account of Jamie’s his department’s meeting notes at the beginning of each chapter. Honestly, after I realized they had little to do with the murder or theme of the book, it was something I quickly skipped over.

Then there’s the many troubled aspects to Jamie and Pete’s relationship. That and their talks with various therapists take up a large portion of the storylines. Pete’s perception of their relationship, their differences in sexual drive, and how his traumatic past is affecting them. It’s also Jamie, the financial imbalance to go with the sexual tension between them.

That’s primarily the majority of the novel, with the murders almost taking a minor role here. It shows in how the murders and the investigations are laid out. It’s not smoothly executed. There is another team of detectives thrown into the case for no apparent reason, and many aspects of the case are never explained or satisfactorily addressed by Perry in the way it has in preceding books.

It’s as though the author got hung up on the couple journeys through therapy and anything else became an afterthought.

Such a curious relationship as there’s never been any real chemistry between Jamie and Pete. So oddly enough, it’s a case of an author writing about a couple that is together because other people want them to be. Both brothers, father etc. And Pete with his fears of Jamie leaving him.

Yet there is much, other than the relationship, to recommend about the characters.

Anyway, I’m onto the next in the series.

I think this is one that could be read because you want to complete the series or skipped because the next will fill in the blanks for you.

The choice is yours.

The Jamie Brodie Mysteries – 23 books

✓ Cited to Death

✓ Hoarded to Death

✓ Burdened to Death

✓ Researched to Death

✓ Encountered to Death

✓ Psyched to Death

✓ Stacked to Death

◦ Stoned to Death

◦ Talked to Death

◦ Avenged to Death

◦ Played to Death

◦ Filmed to Death

◦ Trapped to Death

◦ Promoted to Death

◦ Published to Death

◦ Cloistered to Death

◦ Haunted to Death

◦ Obsessed to Death

◦ Deserted to Death

◦ Drugged to Death

◦ Resigned to Death

◦ Snowed to Death

◦ Enchanted to Death

Dirty Laundry: The Jamie Brodie Short Stories (Jamie Brodie Mysteries)

Sequel series:

An Angeles Investigations Mystery

◦ Cheated to Death: Book 1

◦ Hunted to Death Book 2

Buy links:

Stacked to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 7)


Library work-study student Austin Sharp upset a lot of people. When Jamie Brodie finds Austin dead, strangled to death in the library stacks, the police have plenty of suspects. When another library work-study student is found strangled, the focus of the investigation shifts – both students were from the same hometown. Then a third student is found dead. A serial killer is on the loose, and the police send in detectives from the elite Homicide Special unit.

And their favorite suspect is Jamie.

• Publisher: (October 15, 2014)

• Publication date: October 15, 2014

• Language: English

• Print length: 246 pages

Review: Psyched to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 6) by Meg Perry

Rating: 4.5🌈

Psyched to Death, sixth in Meg Perry’s Jamie Brodie Mysteries series, brings complications to Jamie and his stumbling relationship with psychology professor, Pete. Trouble comes from multiple directions when a past acquaintance turns up dead as it’s not just a random person but someone who was deeply involved with a previous investigation and has ties to Pete’s work.

Perry is working on so many levels here. Its an impressive writing juggling achievement, especially as all the sensitive, potentially explosive areas such as Jamie and Pete’s ongoing personal relationship issues, Pete’s horrific SA childhood traumatic history, and different family dynamics impact on children’s development.

Throw in heartbreaking murders, complicated friendships and histories that bring forth pain, grief, and healing for those characters here, and Perry has written a strong novel that one of the best books so far in the series.

Yes, it’s a definite recommendation.

The Jamie Brodie Mysteries – 23 books

✓ Cited to Death

✓ Hoarded to Death

✓ Burdened to Death

✓ Researched to Death

✓ Encountered to Death

✓ Psyched to Death

◦ Stacked to Death

◦ Stoned to Death

◦ Talked to Death

◦ Avenged to Death

◦ Played to Death

◦ Filmed to Death

◦ Trapped to Death

◦ Promoted to Death

◦ Published to Death

◦ Cloistered to Death

◦ Haunted to Death

◦ Obsessed to Death

◦ Deserted to Death

◦ Drugged to Death

◦ Resigned to Death

◦ Snowed to Death

◦ Enchanted to Death

Dirty Laundry: The Jamie Brodie Short Stories (Jamie Brodie Mysteries)

Sequel series:

An Angeles Investigations Mystery

◦ Cheated to Death: Book 1

◦ Hunted to Death Book 2

Buy links:

Psyched to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 6)


Who killed Matt Bendel? The police suspect his partner, Elliott Conklin, the assistant chair of the psychology department at Santa Monica College. Elliott was found with the body, covered in blood – and he doesn’t have an alibi. Elliott wants Pete Ferguson to help clear his name. But Pete doesn’t have time – he’s had to take over one of Elliott’s classes – and he thinks Elliott might be guilty.

Jamie Brodie isn’t so sure. Matt had a secret that may have gotten him killed. The investigation of that secret leads to someone from Jamie’s past – and another death that will change Jamie forever.

• Publisher: (May 27, 2014)

• Publication date: May 27, 2014

• Language: English

• Print length: 164 pages

Review: Encountered to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 5) by Meg Perry

Rating: 4🌈

Encountered to Death is a good, in a way emotionally lighter story than the one that preceded it. Jamie and Pete are going to celebrate Pete’s older brother’s 40th birthday in Alamogordo, New Mexico and is taking Jamie’s highly intelligent, science minded nephew with them.

Steve, the brother, is a plasma physicist, and they intend to tour all the sites around the area, from caves to Roswell. Shades of Mulder and Scully! What could go wrong? Plenty it seems.

There’s aliens abduction tv show hosts, a dead body, so many investigations, as well as great characters in both Steve and the 11-year old nephew, Colin. Colin especially was well crafted. He’s realistically young in heart(emotionally the investigation caused an such a impact on him as it should) , but his imagination and personality also felt in line with someone who has high intelligence to understand a variety of science topics.

The discussions and issues between Jamie and Pete weren’t really dropped but moved slightly to the background to be a part of a larger conversation when they returned home. One car or two meaning a more solid frame for going forward together.

I was throughly entertained by this story and expanded family. Perry continues to keep the reader engaged in this realistic romantic relationship and their literary world where a murder or body can bring about a wealth of knowledge and enjoyment. Love Clinton’s word of the day!

Onto the next!

The Jamie Brodie Mysteries – 23 books

✓ Cited to Death

✓ Hoarded to Death

✓ Burdened to Death

✓ Researched to Death

✓ Encountered to Death

◦ Psyched to Death

◦ Stacked to Death

◦ Stoned to Death

◦ Talked to Death

◦ Avenged to Death

◦ Played to Death

◦ Filmed to Death

◦ Trapped to Death

◦ Promoted to Death

◦ Published to Death

◦ Cloistered to Death

◦ Haunted to Death

◦ Obsessed to Death

◦ Deserted to Death

◦ Drugged to Death

◦ Resigned to Death

◦ Snowed to Death

◦ Enchanted to Death

Dirty Laundry: The Jamie Brodie Short Stories (Jamie Brodie Mysteries)

Sequel series:

An Angeles Investigations Mystery

◦ Cheated to Death: Book 1

◦ Hunted to Death Book 2

Buy links:

Encountered to Death (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 5)


It seems Jamie Brodie can’t go anywhere any more without a body turning up. Jamie and his boyfriend Pete Ferguson are taking a week of vacation to visit Pete’s brother Steve in Alamogordo, New Mexico. They arrive to find that Alamogordo has been invaded – by fans of a TV show called Alien Visitors. The host of the show, Dixon Gill, was found dead in the lobby of Steve’s building. Gill’s fans believe he was killed by the FBI because he was about to reveal the truth about the government’s cover-up of alien visitations. Jamie and Pete know that’s not true. But who did kill Gill? The director of his show? A competitor on the same network? An angry commenter on Gill’s blog? A shadowy anti-government group? Or one of his ex-wives? The deeper Jamie probes into Gill’s past, the more potential suspects he finds.

The truth is out there – but can Jamie uncover it?

• Publication date: March 6, 2014

• Language: English

• Print length: 96 pages

Review: Burdened to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 3) by Meg Perry

Rating: 4.5🌈

Burdened to Death, the third in the Jamie Brodie Mysteries by Meg Perry, is a complex and compelling story. And it’s one not everyone is going to agree with on how this story ends.

For a novel that’s 128 pages in length, Perry’s woven a tale of incredible complexity, one that includes highly dangerous and damaging subjects such as suicide, the SA scandals within the Catholic Church’s priesthood, and the emotional/traumatic aftermath of those who survived that abuse.

One of those people is the current boyfriend of James Brodie. Pete Ferguson’s confession of his childhood SA trauma in the last novel is continuing to destabilize his relationship with Jamie.

This is one more sensitively handled element of the story and their relationship. The issues are directly connected to Pete’s childhood SA. Both men are in individual therapy (another interesting aspect of the story).

They’re at an emotional impasse when they get a phone call from Kevin, Jamie’s police detective brother, about a dead man who needs identification from Pete.

This dead man will ignite several investigations. Both of them seemingly done by Jamie for Pete, to get closure. But it’s never that simple.

Perry manages to wring out deep, wrenching emotions from current events while revealing new perspectives and past histories about the main characters here . While these events happened decades ago, they feel as fresh as they do now because so much of this is still unresolved and the investigations and lawsuits are still ongoing.

And that will bring us back to the ending. Some will absolutely not be happy or satisfied by this. I can see why. Real life works this way. And it would have worked that way back then.

And somehow I don’t feel as though we’re done with this yet.

Perry showed us that James and Pete made some progress in their relationship. Small steps. After enormous trauma. That’s life.

Thats realistic and a beautiful raw , well written story. And why I keep coming back. On to Researched To Death.

The Jamie Brodie Mysteries – 23 books

✓ Cited to Death

✓ Hoarded to Death

✓ Burdened to Death

◦ Researched to Death

◦ Encountered to Death

◦ Psyched to Death

◦ Stacked to Death

◦ Stoned to Death

◦ Talked to Death

◦ Avenged to Death

◦ Played to Death

◦ Filmed to Death

◦ Trapped to Death

◦ Promoted to Death

◦ Published to Death

◦ Cloistered to Death

◦ Haunted to Death

◦ Obsessed to Death

◦ Deserted to Death

◦ Drugged to Death

◦ Resigned to Death

◦ Snowed to Death

◦ Enchanted to Death

Dirty Laundry: The Jamie Brodie Short Stories (Jamie Brodie Mysteries)

Sequel series:

An Angeles Investigations Mystery

◦ Cheated to Death: Book 1

◦ Hunted to Death Book 2

Buy links:

Burdened to Death (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 3)


A phone call in the middle of the night is never good news. When Pete Ferguson’s phone rings, he learns that one of his childhood friends, Mark Jones, has committed suicide. Mark’s family is shocked, and wonders if Mark was abused by the same priest at whose hands Pete suffered. Pete and Mark’s family want answers, and they ask Jamie to find them. Pete is convinced the priest is connected to his friend’s suicide. Jamie isn’t so sure. When the evidence starts pulling them in different directions, will it tear them apart?

• Publication date: October 9, 2013

• Language: English

• Print length: 128 pages

Review: Hoarded to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 2) by Meg Perry

Rating: 4.5🌈

In Hoarded to Death, author Meg Perry’s characters get to be seen fully realized in every aspect of their lives, from their messy personal relationships to those careers in which each is a highly successful and respected professional. Then all will have both segments, personal and professional, fiercely intertwined by a ex spouse, a reality cable show, and finally, a police murder investigation .

I really enjoyed that first case and my introduction to all the characters but Hoarded to Death really has Perry adding some interesting and moving aspects to the relationships being forged between various characters. Especially between Jamie Brodie and Pete, his brother’s former partner and best friend. Jamie is the man he dated, broke up with, and is now living with after the events of the last book. It’s not going as smoothly as everyone thinks.

Those rushed, tumultuous decisions are causing him to question how quickly he’s moved into this situation he now finds himself in, house wise and perhaps with the relationship too

Perry has more as far as hidden secrets (Pete’s) and troubling emotional baggage that will realistically impact this couple’s dynamic. It doesn’t resolve itself within the story, and given the severity of the nature of the issues, it shouldn’t . The raw and real problems that are showing up in Jamie and Pete’s relationship makes this a great story on its own. Especially as Jamie’s brother, Kevin, and girlfriend are a strong support for both, as well as Jamie’s father. The connections run deep here.

The fabulous mystery which starts out as an emotional request for support from someone from Jamie’s brother’s past but moves forward into an intriguing investigation that needs to be explored through the storyline. And we get to know more about the enigma that is Clinton.

There’s actually so much more to this book than I had expected from reading the first novel . The characters are more complex, their relationships are compelling and without any quick resolutions to issues. And the mysteries are thrilling but without the gore but with the exciting moments one wants in a mystery.

Now I’m highly anticipating book 3. And recommending Hoarded to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 2) by Meg Perry.

The Jamie Brodie Mysteries – 23 books

✓ Cited to Death

✓ Hoarded to Death

◦ Burdened to Death

◦ Researched to Death

◦ Encountered to Death

◦ Psyched to Death

◦ Stacked to Death

◦ Stoned to Death

◦ Talked to Death

◦ Avenged to Death

◦ Played to Death

◦ Filmed to Death

◦ Trapped to Death

◦ Promoted to Death

◦ Published to Death

◦ Cloistered to Death

◦ Haunted to Death

◦ Obsessed to Death

◦ Deserted to Death

◦ Drugged to Death

◦ Resigned to Death

◦ Snowed to Death

◦ Enchanted to Death

Dirty Laundry: The Jamie Brodie Short Stories (Jamie Brodie Mysteries)

Sequel series:

An Angeles Investigations Mystery

◦ Cheated to Death: Book 1

◦ Hunted to Death Book 2

Buy links:

Hoarded to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 2)


When Jamie Brodie agrees to help his ex-sister-in-law Jennifer clean her hoarded apartment, the last thing he expects to find in the hoard is a dead body – and what the dead man was clutching in his hand might be the answer to a thousand-year-old mystery. As Jamie and the police investigate, they uncover a hoard of secrets – but the biggest secret of all belongs to Jamie’s boyfriend, Pete. Suddenly Jamie is searching for the answers to three questions: who killed the man in Jennifer’s apartment? Is the paper in his hand real? And can Jamie’s relationship with Pete survive?

• Publication date: June 30, 2013

• Language: English

• File size: 1452 KB

• Print length: 173 pages

Review: Cited to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 1) by Meg Perry

Rating: 4.25🌈

I love a mystery. So give me a new-to-me author, a mystery novel that represents not one but two connected mystery series and I’m in.

Cited to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 1) by Meg Perry is all the above. This is a first book by Perry for me and I was very entertained by the mystery and invested in the characters Perry has created for her series.

Academic librarian Jamie Brodie, yes, we have librarians as main characters, is delivered an envelope and mystery, both courtesy of a dead ex. Also we have so many librarians .

I’m so hooked.

There’s law enforcement officers as family and as romantic partners and many librarians as friends and fascinating colleagues. All are delightfully well-drawn and have balanced personalities as well as thoughtful roles to play in Jamie’s life and the mysteries that start to unfold.

Perry knows her subject matter and it shows in how the investigation evolves . It’s believable, the facts coming from various sources and at paces suitable for those networks. Perry’s people too have their flaws and strengths.

Jamie’s constant awareness of his severely compromised lungs and asthmatic symptoms is real. He treats his body with respect and his health as someone who acknowledges that he’s got a health condition that requires a certain diligence on his part and he does it. It’s a part of his personality and foundation. It centers us on who he is that he’s take a certain level of care and responsibility.

This type of characterization continues throughout the novel with other characters. And with the plot. There’s a tightness and depth of thought to every scene and storyline.

If I had a quibble, it’s that I saw a certain character was problematic to begin with. At what depth and to what extent, I didn’t know. But hints were there.

However, the characters and plots were entertaining, the ending suspense filled, and absolutely satisfying.

I’m on my way to Hoarded to Death .

For lovers of LGBTGIA murder mystery with a bit of romance, check it out. Especially mystery that’s more on the thoughtful side and less on the bloody aspect, this is the one that I recommend for you . I mean look at the series!

The Jamie Brodie Mysteries – 23 books

Cited to Death

Hoarded to Death

Burdened to Death

Researched to Death

Encountered to Death

Psyched to Death

Stacked to Death

Stoned to Death

Talked to Death

Avenged to Death

Played to Death

Filmed to Death

Trapped to Death

Promoted to Death

Published to Death

Cloistered to Death

Haunted to Death

Obsessed to Death

Deserted to Death

Drugged to Death

Resigned to Death

Snowed to Death

Enchanted to Death

Dirty Laundry: The Jamie Brodie Short Stories (Jamie Brodie Mysteries)

Sequel series:

An Angeles Investigations Mystery

◦ Cheated to Death: Book 1

◦ Hunted to Death Book 2

Buy links:

Cited to Death: A Jamie Brodie Mystery (Jamie Brodie Mysteries Book 1)


Academic librarian Jamie Brodie hasn’t seen old boyfriend Dan Christensen in years. When Jamie reads Dan’s obituary in the paper, he’s surprised. When he receives a letter from Dan, written just before his death, Jamie is shocked. Dan’s letter suggests that Dan was in danger, lists two article citations from medical journals, and asks Jamie to look into the citations. When Jamie requests the articles, strange things begin to happen. His computer is hacked, his tires are slashed, he thinks someone might be following him – and he uncovers two more deaths. The coroner’s report says that Dan died of natural causes – but did he? Is there something suspicious about the articles, or was Dan just paranoid? The closer Jamie gets to answering those questions, the more it seems that someone is trying to stop him…

• Publisher: Meg Perry; 2nd edition (December 4, 2012)

• Publication date: December 4, 2012

• Language: English

• Print length: 127 pages