Review: The Misfit Mage and His Darling Demon: Diabolic Romance Book Two by MN Bennet

Rating: 4.5🌈

Mage Wally and his bonded Demon, Bez, return in MN Bennet’s highly imaginative sequel, Darling Demon, a book that’s astonishing in creative elements and plot twists.

I really enjoyed this book, it’s so mentally entertaining, with the sheer amount of depth that Bennet goes into as Wally and Bez get into a horrible situation with first the Fae, and then an ever increasingly worse group of villains.

There’s really no way to go about pointing out aspects of this story that I adore without giving spoilers because I feel as though they are also some of the most clever elements that Bennet wrote into the storyline. It’s one creative piece of thinking after another that just builds onto each other here , expanding on the universe as we thought we knew it magically.

What can I say? That the fabulous characters, demon Mora and her witch wife Kell, are back as main characters and their deep relationship and outlook on love is as remarkable and rewarding as anything else here.

We get a new family member, a pet. He’s adorable. The scorpion familiar isn’t happy.

And that ending still makes me think of whether or not, I’m impressed by the author’s choices because I didn’t see it coming or sorry because I wanted something more comfortable when this book has been anything but. That’s on me.

Bennet has always narratively gone for the wild and intriguing, the unimaginable and deliciously dangerous. That’s how we end up. True to everything and everyone.

I hope we and Bennet return, someday to check in. I love to see what’s happened next.

highly recommended.

Diabolic Romance:

The Misfit Mage and His Dashing Devil #1

The Misfit Mage and His Darling Demon #2

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The Misfit Mage and His Darling Demon: Diabolic Romance Book Two


Wally and Bez have spent the last six months eluding the Collective together. Not that the mages have spent much time pursuing the dangerous devil and his misfit mage, since even the best magics can’t match a Diabolic’s strength.

When Bez surprises Wally with an anniversary trip to a special event hosted by the Fae, Wally is presented with a chance to work on rare artifacts belonging to a Fae noble. However, Bez learns the Fae may be connected to the recent abductions of fellow demons, allowing them to crossover into various Hell dimensions—and threatening to expose his secret.

Bez is not the unstoppable devil that everyone believes he is. If the Collective learns about Bez’s deceit, they will rain down the full force of their magical resources to kill him. Wally and Bez will need to work together to unravel the mystery behind the missing demons and study intricate dimensional magics all while traveling in a magical villa through space and time.

• Publisher: M.N. Bennet LLC (June 10, 2024)

• Publication date: June 10, 2024

• Language: English

• Print length: 366 pages

Review: The Misfit Mage and His Dashing Devil: Diabolic Romance Book One by MN Bennet

Rating: 4.5🌈

I love it when I hit a literary trifecta. A new author, new book, and a new series in one swoop. That’s what I’ve done with the wonderfully devilish romance, The Misfit Mage and His Dashing Devil: Diabolic Romance Book One by MN Bennet.

MN Bennet, an author new to me, weaves an imaginative story about an awkward young mage whose magnificent mind works much better than his ability to actually master any magical spells . Wally is instantly someone who a reader can relate to and invest in emotionally. He’s spends his days categorizing, cataloging, analyzing, and in some cases, working on the magical artifacts of an enormous collection of a University’s archives. A collection that happens to include an orb containing the Devil Beelzebub or Bez, who was captured by the mage who owns the archive.

Wally and Bez have an interesting history and the storyline that follows is a fast-paced, high action mystery that includes several plot twist and turns. What an absolute treasure!

It’s all enemies, then frenemies, and then as circumstances and personal revelations pull them closer, Wally and Bez become, realistically by this time, something much more.

The author does a great job in building the story and the characters relationship, giving them and us slow reveals about each other’s own journey to their current situations. Both get to show growth and continued depth of development in their respective personalities and their relationship.

It ends , as it should, in a HFN. There’s another story coming and I can’t wait.

I’m putting this out there as a definitive recommendation! It is a great ride!

Diabolic Romance:

✓ The Misfit Mage and His Dashing Devil #1

â—¦ The Misfit Mage and His Darling Demon #2 – June 10,2024

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The Misfit Mage and His Dashing Devil: Diabolic Romance Book One


Apprentice mage Wally spends his days cataloging rare artifacts and dreaming about finally mastering his magics and living the adventures he’s always desired. Bez, a once mighty devil who craves the freedom of the outside world again, despises his confinement inside a powerful object. His only company now comes from the mages working within the archives he’s stored. Among them, the most annoying of them all, an anxious and considerate Walter.

When the archive is attacked, Wally and Bez each seize the opportunity to achieve their dreams—and inadvertently create a magical link between them. With so many lives lost in this assault on the mage headquarters, Wally’s connection to a dangerous devil makes him a threat and a target, forcing the pair on the run. Wally sees Bez as a sadistic devil, and Bez finds every word out of the mage’s mouth grating. Even so, they’ll have to work together to unravel the true threat in the city or they won’t live long enough to enjoy the lives they’ve both desperately wanted.

• Publisher: (October 9, 2023)

• Publication date: October 9, 2023

• Language: English

• Print length: 348 pages