A STRW Exclusive: Author Eli Easton Interviews Matthew Shaw, Narrator of Easton’s How To Howl At the Moon (giveaway and interview)

How To Howl At the Moon Audio Cover

As more and more audiobooks are released, we thought it would be interesting to see how an author looks at their books when narrated and get the perspective from the narrator as well. Two sides of the same story!

Here is Eli Easton and the narrator of her novel, How To Howl At the Moon, Matthew Shaw!  And don’t forget to enter the contest for a audiobook of your own, How To Howl At the Moon by Eli Easton.

Interview with Matthew Shaw, narrator of “How To Howl At the Moon” Audiobook!
Interviewed by Eli Eastonaudiobook clipart bw

“How to Howl at the Moon” is the first audio book I’ve self-published. To narrate the book, I turned to an amazingly talented actor I’ve worked with before on other projects, Matthew Shaw.

You can listen to a sample of his narration here.

I loved hearing Matthew read my story. Such an amazing treat. I decided to interview Matthew to see what his side of the experience was like.

Eli: Is this your first time narrating and audio book?  What other types of voce-over work have you done?

Matthew: Yes!  It’s my first one.  I’ve done some commercials and intros for family projects.

Eli: Who are some of your heroes when it comes to audio book narrators?

Matthew: Jim Dale is amazing!  He narrated the entire Harry Potter series, keeping each character consistent and his performance was spot on.  He felt the characters he was reading, so it helped create the world and make it real.  Even characters that had two lines in the entire 7 book series were consistent.  He received two Grammy awards for his performance.

That’s really the challenge:  taking a book you’re just reading aloud and turning it into a performance.

Eli: Was “How to Howl at the Moon” your first time reading a m/m romance? What would you tell other newbies who asked what it’s like?

Matthew:  ​Yes, it was!  In fact, it was my first romance novel I read ever.  I didn’t know what to expect, and Eli helped talk me through what are some of the common story arcs in romance novels to help build the context.  It’s actually quite a fun genre.  I really felt for the characters, either wanting them to succeed, or the bad guys to get their comeuppance.  It’s a great book and I really would recommend it to anyone interested in the romance genre.

​​When people asked what it was like, I would tell them , that the characters were very three dimensional, and the story takes you on a journey of understanding and getting to know them better as the main characters get to know themselves, as well.  ​

The fact that this story was a dog shape-shifter tale (or tail?) Made the story super fun to read, too.

Eli: What was your favorite part of the story?

Matthew: I liked the humor so much because it was unexpected!  There was so much more fun than I anticipated.  ​Any time lance and his mom were talking together, I was grinning from ear to ear, and there is a chapter involving a shape shifting undercover sheriff getting an unwanted bath that made me chuckle a few times and had to redo the recording.

​Without giving too much of the story away, there was some real action and romance that were equally entertaining.  A shootout in particular had me on the edge of my seat.  I recorded more than was on my schedule that night, simply because I wanted to know what was going to happen next!

Eli: What was the biggest challenge in doing the narration?

Matthew: ​I think the hardest challenge was a technical one:  if I got tongue tied on a particular line, I would just keep making the same mistake!  I sometimes had to record past it and come back just to get the wrong way out of my head.

​Also, some of the characters with smaller parts were a challenge to voice.  You try to give them a unique character voice so it doesn’t just sound like you’re talking to yourself.  If they don’t have a lot of lines, it’s tough to keep it consistent.  Again… Makes you appreciate Jim Dale!

Eli: Was it difficult to read the sex scenes?

Matthew: ​Surprisingly, no!  Before reading the book, I thought that would be the hardest part.  I guess I, as a reader want these scenes to happen because it’s what the story is building toward, so maybe it was just a type of relief.  Plus, it helped me the way he story was written to get to get into the heads of the characters before these scenes.  When you know where they are coming from, it’s easier to put yourself in their shoes in the context of the story.  Eli gives you a lot to work with!

Eli: Will you be doing more m/m romance audio books?  Other types of books?

Matthew: ​I’d love to, especially books in this series and other books by Eli Easton.  I’m open to others in the m/m genre, as well.  It’s rewarding to find the voice of each character and help paint a picture with tone and performance.

Thanks to Matthew for being so gracious to interview. I hope you’ll enjoy the “How to Howl At The Moon” audio as much as I did!            –  Eli Easton


About How To Howl At The Moon by Eli Easton

5 hrs 52 mins – narrated by Matthew Shaw (a ScatteredThoughtsandRogueWords 5 star audio book)

Sheriff Lance Beaufort is not going to let trouble into his town, no sir. Tucked away in the California mountains, Mad Creek has secrets to keep, like the fact that half the town consists of “quickened”—dogs who have gained the ability to become human. Descended on both sides from Border Collies, Lance is as alert a guardian as they come.How To Howl At the Moon Audio Cover

Tim Weston is looking for a safe haven. After learning that his boss patented all of Tim’s work on vegetable hybrids in his own name, Tim quit his old job. A client offers him use of her cabin in Mad Creek, and Tim sees a chance for a new start. But the shy gardener has a way of fumbling and sounding like a liar around strangers, particularly gorgeous alpha men like Sheriff Beaufort.

Lance’s hackles are definitely raised by the lanky young stranger. He’s concerned about marijuana growers moving into Mad Creek, and he’s not satisfied with the boy’s story. Lance decides a bit of undercover work is called for. When Tim hits a beautiful black collie with his car and adopts the dog, its love at first sight for both Tim and Lance’s inner dog. Pretending to be a pet is about to get Sheriff Beaufort in very hot water.


Eli Easton is giving away one audiobook of “How To Howl At The Moon”.  Must be 18 years  of age or older to enter.  Leave a comment with your email address  where you can be reached if chosen.

Eli Easton pic

About the Author

Having been, at various times and under different names, a minister’s daughter, a computer programmer, the author of paranormal mysteries, a game designer, an organic farmer, an avid hiker, and a profound sleeper, Eli is happily embarking on yet another incarnation as a m/m romance author.

As an addicted reader of such, she is tinkled pink when an author manages to combine literary merit, vast stores of humor, melting hotness and eye-dabbing sweetness into one story. She promises to strive to achieve most of that most of the time. She currently lives on a farm in Pennsylvania with her husband, three bulldogs, three cows and six chickens. All of them (except for the husband) are female, hence explaining the naked men that have taken up residence in her latest fiction writing.

Her website in www.elieaston.com
Twitter:  EliEaston
Goodreads Author Page
You can email her at eli@elieaston.com

19 thoughts on “A STRW Exclusive: Author Eli Easton Interviews Matthew Shaw, Narrator of Easton’s How To Howl At the Moon (giveaway and interview)

  1. I love ‘How to Howl at the Moon’, both reading it and listening to Matthew Shaw’s narration, and I hope we get another collaboration from the two of you very soon! ❤

    Hanne 😊


  2. I really enjoyed reading “How To Howl At The Moon and would love to listen to the audio book version. Thank you for the chance at the giveaway.


  3. I’ve just started picking up audiobooks and I love them. I am, though, trying to figure out how I can listen to them at work and still, well, work. 🙂 I’d love to add this one to my library. I haven’t gotten to read this yet, but it is on my TBR list. Thanks for a chance in the giveaway.


  4. Great Interview, Eli. Matthew seemed to a) enjoy the book, b) working with you and c) come away with a new way of looking at the genre. Awesome job! You’re converting the world to MM Romance, one reader/narrator at a time. 🙂


  5. I enjoyed the sample. I love audiobooks! Sometimes I just get tired of my kids music and I just listen to audiobooks on our trips. Thank you for the opportunity to win!


  6. Hope it’s not to late to enter, as I would love a chance to win an audio version of How To Howl at The Moon 🙂 I have just started collecting audio books, so this would be a lovely addition. Thank you. slholland22 {at} hotmail {dot} com


  7. I always wondered if the narrators liked what they were reading and how they would react to certain situations (like reading sex scenes). This was fun.


  8. I don’t know if the contest is still open, but I thought I’d toss my name in because I’d love to get this one. But if not, hey, I’m totally buying it because of the great review I read here and because I love Eli Easton’s books. Thanks!

    caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com


  9. This immediately became one of my favorite audiobooks. I purchased it the same day that it was released and have listened to it many times. It’s hilarious, sexy and touching. I love that the antagonist gets his comeuppance. Not enough books have that. Mathew is perfect and I can’t wait to hear him narrate Roman’s story. Great story, better listen 👂🏽👂🏽👂🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😀


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