A Stella Review: Spark (North Star #1) by Posy Roberts

RATING 5 out of 5 stars

A love story with a seventeen-year intermission.

Hugo Thorson fell in love when he was sixteen. He’s maybe been in love since, but probably not. He’s been too busy directing plays to devote much time to men who can’t accept all of him. No one ever made him feel like his first love did.

Kevin Magnus married a woman and has two children, but the marriage wasn’t happy. In the shadow of divorce, he’s striving to be a better father, but he’s still a work in progress.

When Hugo and Kevin bump into each other at the lake, memories of their last kiss incite a new first kiss. Visions of the life they always wanted are vivid, but so much stands in the way of their dreams. Hugo is out and proud but no one knows Kevin’s bisexual. If Kevin comes out, he risks losing custody of his kids. If he doesn’t walk hand in hand with Hugo, he risks losing the love of his life.

The curtain may never rise on their second act.

I first bought Spark when it was released in 2013, it was the year I started reading in English and I had to give it up because I simply wasn’t good enough. I gave it a second try later but the various flashbacks put me off. Still I have to say the North Star series was always in the back of my mind, especially when I started reading the other stories written by Posy Roberts and fell in love with the author. So this second edition was the perfect opportunity to me to finally give the series the chance it deserves. And finally I was able to finish the first book and it was a huge success. I adored it.

First of all the novel is so well written it was a pleasure to read it, although it’s long, I finished it quite quickly because the reading flew easily and yes, I was so into the story I couldn’t wait to come at the ending. I am a sucker for plots like this one, with adult characters, second chances, children, so I found in Spark all the elements I want in my readings. I liked the characters, all of them, from the beginning, and thought they were pretty real in their actions and feelings. And it was clear how deep and strong was the connection between Hugo and Kevin, they were soul mates, nothing more to say.

They were so made for each other it was so easy for them to catch up after seventeen years, they were sweet and emotional, but so freaking hot together.

Having not read the first edition, I can’t tell you how much the book was edited and changed. I can recommend you to grab it now and start this series as soon as you can, I so can’t wait for Fusion. I want to smile and cry and feel with Hugo and Kevin and his family.

The cover art by Olive Us Designs is well done, I like it.

SALE LINKS  Amazon US | Amazon UK


Kindle Edition, 2 edition, 342 pages

Published June 23rd 2018 by Labyrinth Bound Press (first published September 1st 2013)


Edition Language English

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